Friday, September 4, 2009

Rubens: Supplemental information...

Above is a painting of Saint Veronica by Hans Memling.

And this is "Sancta Veronica Ierosolymitana which the Vatican Museum declares to be the oldest picture of Jesus. A Syrian text from Kamulia in Cappadocia from the 500s tells us that the image was "drawn out of the water" and "not painted by human hand." (read more here)

You can also read about Saint Veronica on the Wikipedia

This is the "Shroud of Turin":

Which you can read more about on the Wikipedia

This is part of the (terrible) movie "The Passion of the Christ" - it is very violent and bloody, but if you are interested it will give you some idea of the moment in the story of Jesus that Rubens' is depicting in his oil sketch: You can see how differently the artist and the director approach the telling of the story.

Veronica appear about 9 minutes and 44 seconds into this clip if you want to fast forward...